Every divorce is different from the one that comes before it. However, research suggests there is a time of year that is most common for spouses to file for divorce. Generally, divorce rates go down at the end of each year and they begin to spike at the beginning of the year. This trend has even earned the month of January the nickname “Divorce Month” in some circles. Individuals who are going through a divorce should retain the services of an experienced Michigan divorce attorney for guidance during this time. 

Why is January a Common Time to File for Divorce?

A Google Trend search for the word “divorce” in 2019 showed that the word was most popular from January 6 to January 12. The new year serves as a catalyst for change for many people. This is a time when they set resolutions to better their lives and get rid of bad habits. For those who are in unhappy marriages, this is often reflected by filing for divorce in order to start a new life. It is because of this that divorce ratings are higher in January than in other months. 

In addition to this, spouses will wait until the new year to file for divorce because they do not want to ruin the holiday season. This time of year brings many high expectations of happy memories and good times. When these expectations are not met, a spouse may feel as if it is time to file for divorce. Many spouses also choose to wait until the new year to file for divorce because they want to give their children one last holiday season together. 

Other Common Times to File

Research also shows an increase in divorce filings during the months of July and August as well. Summer divorces tend to occur because parents want to end their marriage before their children begin a new school year. Filing for divorce at this time allows a parent to find a new home in another town or state and move their child to a different school district instead of doing so in the middle of the year. 

If you are considering filing for divorce, it is important that you are not influenced by any outside factors such as statistics in doing so. The choice to leave a marriage is a complicated and personal decision that should only be made when you feel the time is right for you. Contact a compassionate divorce attorney today if you wish to file for divorce.

Contact our Firm

Sometimes, divorce, family, and estate matters are difficult to navigate. Fortunately, they do not have to be with the assistance of a compassionate, knowledgeable attorney who is willing to guide you every step of the way. If you need a seasoned firm to help you with any divorce, family or estate-related matter, please do not hesitate to contact Collis & Griffor today to schedule a consultation.

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