The way divorces occur has changed over time. When different marriages have certain things in common, they can start to create trends. It is important to be aware of these trends, as they can impact anyone at any part of a divorce. This may be before filing, during the proceedings, and even after the process is over. To learn more, continue reading and contact a skilled Michigan divorce attorney.
Social Media Impact
With the rise in social media came the ability to have a closer look into people’s everyday lives. This has allowed former spouses to view the lives of one another. When this happens, some people choose to collect this information as leverage to use in court in an effort to modify their marital arrangements. This can be seen when requesting alimony payments if a former spouse moves in with another person or retires after the divorce.
Alternatives to Litigation
When facing the matter of divorce, many spouses in recent years wish to avoid litigation. Instead, they choose to participate in alternative dispute resolutions such as mediation, arbitration, and collaborative divorce. Through these, spouses can work together to reach amicable decisions about their marital issues. They also usually save time, money, and minimize the stress of going to trial.
Divorce Age
In recent years, more people are getting divorced over the age of 50 years old. This has become known as “gray divorces.” These situations present different challenges than those between spouses at a younger age. This is because older divorcees have fewer years of work ahead of them. This can make it harder to make up for any financial setbacks that occur during the divorce proceedings. In addition to this, estate matters are also a concern. Individuals should appoint new medical directives and powers of attorney as well as redo beneficiaries to certain accounts.
Shared Parenting Time
Mothers were more often given custody of their children than fathers in the past. However, over time, two-income families became more common. This has caused shared parenting time arrangements to be more likely in divorce cases. While 50/50 parenting time is the ideal situation, this is not always possible unless the parents live close to one another.
Contact our Firm
Sometimes, divorce, family, and estate matters are difficult to navigate. Fortunately, they do not have to be with the assistance of a compassionate, knowledgeable attorney who is willing to guide you every step of the way. If you need a seasoned firm to help you with any divorce, family or estate-related matter, please do not hesitate to contact Collis & Griffor today to schedule a consultation.