A new law was signed by Governor Rick Snyder modifying the process for obtaining a concealed pistol license in Michigan. The Governor had twice vetoed measures of a similar nature over concerns with provisions that would have allowed gun owners with special training to carry in places like schools and bars which are considered “carry-free” zones. Another concern in a former proposal would have removed a CPL prohibition for those subject to a personal protection order. Neither of these provisions were included into the new bill.
The new laws, Public Acts 3 and 4 puts the responsibility of issuing permits to county clerks and the state police and eliminates the gun boards (prosecutors and county sheriffs) as part of the review process. The state police are required to have the new system functioning no later than October of 2018. The goal is to basically speed up the approval process, make it easier for those applying, while taking the responsibility off the government.
Instead of the eight weeks it used to take to process applications, the paperwork must now be processed within 45 days. If the paperwork is not processed within that timeframe, the receipts of those applying can be submitted at the county clerk’s office and used as proof of certification. Similarly, permit renewals must be issued within 30 days instead of the current 60 days. In a quote by Snyder “These bills streamline how we issue concealed pistol licenses, creating a uniform system that will better support the rights of firearm owners in Michigan. I appreciate that the Legislature revamped this legislation, removing any unintended consequences that could have put domestic abuse victims in danger.”
Those in favor of the new law believe this will make Michigan a true “shall issue” state which requires clerks to issue the permits based only on statutory eligibility. The applicant must meet the requirements of taking 8 hours of training by a certified instructor or school, have no felony records and are not subject to a personal protection order. Gun control advocates warn that taking the gun boards out of the process will lead to people who may be considered a safety risk to the public acquiring concealed weapons permits. Gun boards were allowed to hold face-to-face interviews with applicants to help determine eligibility. The gun board had the discretion to deny an application if it was determined the person might be a threat to society. Opponents of the law considered these face-to-face interviews a violation of a person’s constitutional rights to carry a gun.
Permits will begin being issued immediately, on an emergency basis only, for those who may be in danger or have obtained personal protection orders. The new fees of $100 for a five year permit have been reduced by $5 while renewal fees have increased from $105 to $115.
If you are need information about the new laws and your legal rights to own and carry a concealed firearm, attorneys Collis & Griffor, PC can answer your questions. Call us today at 734.827.1337 or contact us to set up an appointment for a free consultation.