It is easy to put off estate planning. After all, it can be stressful to think about the future, especially difficult aspects like your will or your end-of-life care. However, there are times when you simply cannot wait to create your estate plan. If you are elderly or ill, it is important to work with an experienced estate planning attorney to ensure that you and your family are secure. Read on to learn more.

What is the first step?

When it comes to creating an estate plan, writing your will is one of the most important things you can do. A will is a document that declares how your assets should be divided in the event of your passing. Passing away without a will is known as “dying intestate.” If this occurs, your assets will be obtained and divided by the state of Michigan, rather than according to your wishes.

If you have children under 18, be sure to name a personal guardian for them in your will.

What is the next step?

Another incredibly important step is to create an advance healthcare directive. This is a document that allows you to:

  • Authorize loved ones to obtain medical records in emergency situations
  • Set the standard for determining your incapacity
  • Communicate your wishes to receive or not receive life-saving care
  • Ensure decisions are made in accordance with your beliefs, principles, or religious practices

How do I begin the process?

If you need to begin the estate planning process, you should contact an experienced estate planning attorney. A skilled attorney will work with you to create a cohesive and comprehensive estate plan that covers all of your bases. It is important to understand that you can create some of these documents on your own with online templates, however, this is not a good idea. Because your estate plan will include sensitive legal documents, they will need to follow certain guidelines. If these guidelines are not strictly followed, your documents may be found invalid, leading to a myriad of legal issues.

Reach out to our firm for all of your estate planning needs. We are here to walk you through the process every step of the way.

Contact Our Michigan Firm

If you need a seasoned firm to help you with any divorce, family, or estate-related matter, please do not hesitate to contact Collis, Griffor & Hendra today to schedule a consultation.

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